Friday, February 4, 2011

Valentine's Day Litter Born!!

Friday, Jan 29th Maggie whelped a litter of 9 healthy, robust future fur balls!!  There are5 girls & 4 boys.  All are exceptionally marked and a very nice size.  The average birth weight was 1lb., with the largest being 18oz. while the smallest coming in at 14oz.  A week has already passed and they have more than doubled their birth weight.  I was ready to bottle feed in intervals, but it seems thay have worked it all out.  Half will nurse while the rest sleep and vice versa!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Maggie Getting Bigger By the Day!

Well as we get closer to Jan 25th, our Maggie looks like a pot-bellied pig!!  Besides feeding her a few times a day, I've been supplementing her diet with puppy food, cottage cheese, yogurt, veggies and the like. 

Buster and Lulu are scheduled for their Hip/elbows for Jan 17th.  So they are pending.
Oh!!!  Big news!!  Set up the new computer today!!  Will be adding new pics finally.